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How To Use Ayurveda To Heal NASAL POLYP

Posted February 18, 2023

Nasal polyps are noncancerous growths within the nasal cavity. About 4% of people currently have nasal polyps while up to 40% of people develop them at some point of their life time. They most often occur after the age of 20 and more common in males than females.

In ayurveda, it is corelated with nasaarsha. It is triggered by chronic sinus
infections, asthma, allergy, rhinitis, cystic fibrosis, sensitivity to NSAIDs. Kapha and raktha dosha is vitiated in this condition and accumulates in wall of blood vessels and muscle tissues leads to swelling.

What are the symptoms of nasal polyp?

 Nasal block
 Nasal congestion
 Sleep apnea
 Runny nose
 Postnatal drip
 Reduced sense of smell
 Breathing through mouth
 Feeling of pressure in face or head

Ayurvedic treatment helps you to say no to surgery. Ayurveda aims to normalize the vitiated dosha first. Therapies like nasyam with suitable oils,
snehana, swedana, gandusha, ksheeradhooma, dhoomapana, nasapichu are good for nasal polyps. Single herbs like haridra, tulasi, kaseesa (ferrous
sulphate), tutha (copper sulphate) can be used in nasal polyps. Internally, varunadi kashayam, kanchanara guggulu, nithyanda rasam, lakshmivilasa
rasam, haridra khanda, chitraka hareetaki avaleha etc can be taken accordingly after proper consultation with the doctor. Nasal instillation of nasarsha tailam, kasisadi tailam, tulasyadi tailam are beneficial in case of nasal polyps. Agnikarma can be done after nasyam. Kshara karma also shows good results in treating nasal polyps.

Pathyam (Do’s)

1. Steam inhalation
2. Good nasal hygiene
3. Prevent frequent cold attacks
4. Eat warm fresh foods
5. Nasal lavage or saline spray
6. Yoga postures like gomukhasana, bhujangasana, sarvangasana are
7. Practice pranayama, bhastrika, kapala basti, jalaneti, sutra neti

Apathyam (Don’ts)

1. Avoid exposure to allergens, dust, pollens etc
2. Avoid cold food and drinks
3. Avoid bathing in cold water
4. Avoid curd at night
5. Avoid day sleep
6. Use medium sized pillows
7. Stop smoking


 Chronic sinus infections
 Obstructive sleep apnea
 Asthma flare-ups
 Double vision

Always consult an ayurvedic doctor before starting any of the above medicines and therapies. Dr. Shyams ayurveda has a team of efficient doctors for treating your ENT problems carefully. We provide natural and authentic ayurvedic treatment in Dubai with no side effects. Our treatments are available at Dubai & Ajman branches. Feel free to contact us and wishing you a easy breath through ayurveda.