
Panchakarma Treatment 

In Ayurvedic Treatment, the emphasis is placed on purification since health is associated with purity while disease is associated with impurity. The central focus of Ayurvedic treatment is to eliminate the underlying cause of a problem and prevent its reoccurrence by avoiding factors that contribute to it.  Ayurvedic treatment aims to address the root cause of the symptoms rather than simply suppressing them and potentially causing new side effects in the process. The medicines for the treatment are prepared from natural herbs, plants and minerals. Rather than instruct the patient to merely take a drug or herb to heal the physical condition, our Ayurveda doctors looks to restore balance within the patient. Therefore, all 4 areas of life must be cultivated; mind/body, career, relationships and inner spiritual development. 

Panchakarma therapy is aimed at the elimination of the unbalanced doshas - Vata, Pitta, Kapha. Our Ayurveda doctors shall choose the required therapy after a detailed analysis. This therapy can be implemented not only for curing diseases but also to maintain health.



Ayurveda has 2 approaches to treat any health problems:

  1. Samana Chikitsa: Pacification Treatment. Targets balancing Vata-Pitta-Kapha inside the body
  2. Sodhana Chikitsa: Panchakarma Therapy. Targets the elimination of unbalanced Vata-Pitta-Kapha out of the body

What is Panchakarma? Is it an oil therapy or an Ayurveda massage?

Pancha = Five; Karma = Therapies; Panchakarma are 5 therapies tailormade to treat the imbalance of Vata-Pitta-Kapha. Panchakarma is not a massage therapy; however, oil therapies are performed as a preparation process. Panchakarma is aimed at the complete elimination of the unbalanced dosha and target the purification of the channels of circulation.

There are clear contra-indications alongside indications of Panchakarma. Our Ayurveda doctor shall choose the suitable panchakarma after a detailed analysis of Dosha state. This therapy can be implemented not only for curing diseases but to maintain health and to prevent disease process.

Based on clinical experiences, the Ayurvedic practitioners of Kerala have modified 5 oil therapy techniques which is termed as Kerala Panchakarma. They are - Dhara kalpam (pouring medicated oil / buttermilk on head), Pindasweda (fomentation using herbal compresses), Annalepanam (application of medicated rice paste on body), Kayasekam (oil bath) and Sirolepanam (application of herbal paste on head).

One should avoid non-vegetarian foods, cold food/drinks, yoghurt, day sleeping, exposure to cold breeze, over exertion, keeping awake at nights etc. during the panchakarma. 

  • For Panchakarma treatment in Dubai, contact: 0561151269
  • For Panchakarma treatment in Sharjah / Panchakarma treatment in Ajman, contact: 0506766269

Panchakarma is a main part of Ayurvedic treatments which includes:

  • Vasthy:

Vasthy therapy is the administration of medicines through anal route. It is done with medicated oils & different herbal decoctions intermittently based on the health problem. Some of the common ingredients are honey, rock salt, medicated oils, herbal pastes and decoctions. Standard procedure is for duration of 8 days or 15 days. Very effective in Vata diseases like Arthritis, Spondylosis, Back pain, Sciatica, Paralysis, Neurological disorders, Obesity etc. Vasthy therapy is administered in different ways:

    • Nirooha vasthy (Decoction Enema)
    • Ksheera vasthy (Enema with medicated milk)
    • Kshara vasthy (Enema with decoctions of sharp & alkaline properties)
    • Anuvasana vasthy (Oil Enema)
    • Mathra vasthy (for in weak and old patients)
    • Yoga vasthy (combination of 8 enemas consecutively)
    • Kala vasthy (15 enemas as a combination)
  • Virechana Karma:

This is the therapeutic purgation induced by certain safe and natural medications. The patient will be advised to take medicines in the morning on empty stomach with lukewarm water. Replenish the body with plenty of warm water during the procedure and take light diet during the same day. Effective in Pitta diseases.

  • Vamana Karma:

Vamana is therapeutic vomiting. People with imbalance of kapha are given this type of treatment. It is found to be highly effective in treating certain skin diseases, asthma, allergic bronchitis etc.

  • Nasya:

After a fomentation on the face, neck & shoulders, 2-10 drops of medicated oil are applied through nose. This is followed with application of medicated fumes for few seconds. This Ayurveda treatment is effective for headaches, sinusitis, facial paralysis, mental disorders, neck problems, respiratory diseases and neurological problems.

  • Raktha moksha (Bloodletting):

A complex and precise process of removing the vitiated blood from the body by means of a sterilized needle or by a medicated leech. Bloodletting was practiced as a therapeutic procedure from ancient times and leaching is performed in most modern surgical theatres. Ayurveda administer these therapies to treat disorders pertaining to skin, and musculoskeletal system. Currently the Ayurvedic blood letting treatments are not approved in UAE.

Dr. Shyam's Ayurveda Clinics in Dubai and Ajman offers the most authentic panchakarma treatment which is customized according to you body type and health issues.