Body Type Analysis

Assess your Prakruthy - Body Type Analysis

Having a fundamental understanding of one's Prakruthy (body type) can aid in determining the optimal lifestyle for promoting health and longevity. This includes appropriate dietary choices, suitable exercise routines, the use of specific herbs and medicines, and even selecting an appropriate profession. Ayurvedic massages and therapies may also be recommended based on one's Prakruthy.

Although every individual has the three doshas – Vata, Pitta & Kapha; each of us inherits them in differing proportions. This accounts for our differences in appearance, preferences, aversions, behavioural patterns, and emotional tendencies. On account of these differences, Ayurveda categorizes human into 7 basic body types. They are:

  • Vata Body Type
  • Pitta Body Type
  • Kapha Body Type
  • Vata Pitta Body Type
  • Vata Kapha Body Type
  • Pitta Kapha Body Type
  • Vata Pitta Kapha Body Type

Knowing one’s constitution holds the key to health, liberation and ultimately, self-realization.

Body Type Analysis – Questionnaire

To determine your own individual constitution, you will need to evaluate yourself as unbiased, accurately and honestly. Evaluate as how you are; avoid temptation to see yourself as you would like to be. Give rating based on a long-term evaluation (over a period of 1-5 years) than how you feel now. A disease symptom is different from a constitution sign and symptom. You may not be of just one Dosha; most fit predominantly into one and sometimes secondarily into another and rarely into the third.

Dr. Shyam’s Ayurveda Clinic in Dubai and Dr. Shyam’s Ayurveda Clinic in Ajman have the best Ayurveda doctors who can help you to determine your body type and to tailor-make your Ayurveda treatments.